Take Action, be a Hicatee Hero!

How You Can Help the Hicatee
The Hicatee Conservation and Research Center at the BFREE Field Station and Privately Protected Area invites your support and action this Hicatee Awareness Month and year-round. Some ways to help include:
Be a Hicatee Hero; wear the cape and make the Hicatee Promise! Get creative, a blanket, towel, or sheet make the perfect cape! Send us your photo to be featured on social media as a #HicateeHero
Share what you believe makes the Hicatee turtle a National Treasure of Belize by sending your writing to BFREE at education@bfreebz.org or in the mail to PO Box 129 Punta Gorda Belize, Central America.
Donate to Hicatee conservation; money raised contributes to captive husbandry efforts and field research.
Visit the BFREE website to view all available resources and share your favorite Hica-tivity with your friends and family!
Join Team Hicatee for a one to two-week husbandry volunteer program.
Follow BFREE on social media for more opportunities to take part in Hicatee Awareness Month!